VereVerto is a convertible, luxury leather handbag line. Each bag is a versatile shape-shifter designed to take you from day to night, with a minimalist edge that works with whatever style you throw at it.
VereVerto was an LA-based woman's handbag line. The convertible handbags are both commuter and high-end products, focusing on minimalism and functionality for a highly versatile result. The high quality materials and production were all sourced in Spain.
I was the founder and Creative Director of VereVerto for the six years it was in business. I was not only in charge of the look and feel of the brand, but the product design as well.
I was inspired by the urban lifestyle demands of living a day in the life of a woman who likes to remain stylish at all times.
I designed the bags from start to finish, sketching each season and working closely with factories in Spain to source each element and oversee each stitch to get the highest quality and craftsmanship.
To embody the qualities in the brand, I relied heavily upon vibrant, bold imagery, and fonts that were both strong and feminine.
A digital “ hello”
To introduce the brand, I hired a team to create a digital hello. It follows the story of three working women, who each use a different bag from the first collection, from day to night. It is a showcase of the functionality and versatile style of the handbags.