San Francisco Ballet

San Francisco Ballet is one of the premiere companies in the world. An extremely visible, non-profit SF staple which relies on subscribers and donors alike.

Their yearly seasons are bought and held by subscribers with various packages and offerings—this required highly detailed subscriber brochures and public marketing efforts around the city.

Each season receives a 100-page long guide to the ballets offered, as well as individual guides for programs. Design materials also occurred on bus sides, street banners, and posters around San Francisco. I was responsible for finding and maintaining printer relationships, and seeing the projects from inception to distribution.


It was an educational position working directly with large and various types of printers, and complicated file setup.

The Artistic Director, Helgi Tomasson, made the decision to use my designs over any outsourced companies. The Ballet saved money on marketing material development by working solely in-house. My work was well-received and as a result, subscriber numbers climbed exponentially each year.